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VB.Net to C# Converter 2.27 Steam-10 Recomandare

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VB.Net to C# Converter 2.27

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Tutorial VB.Net to C# Converter 2.27

Mesaj  A.Vi Sam Iun 04 2011, 14:46

VB.Net to C# Converter is a conversion program that will rewrite your
VB.Net project in C#. VBConversions' VB.Net to C# Converter is a state
of the art conversion program which rewrites your VB.Net project in C#.
Unlike other conversion programs, variable names, comments, and inline
comments are preserved, and code conversion accuracy is over 99%.

VB.Net to C# Converter even converts some of the most difficult
features other programs don't even attempt, such as ReDim statements,
parameterized properties, local shared variables, On Error Goto's, event
handling, complex Case statements, API calls, and more

conversion programs either reverse engineer assemblies, producing
unreadable assembly like code in C#, or else attempt a source code to
source code conversion which isn't very accurate.

VB.Net to C# Converter is a source code to source code converter. Your
code maintains its original readability and flavor (including line and
inline comments), Reliability is very good, over 99% accuracy in most

Key features of "VB.Net to C# Converter":
? You are in
complete control of the conversion process. There are literally dozens
of conversion options you control, from how ref arguments and with
statements are handled, to how much you want to eliminate dependencies
on the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace.

? Each release is
rigorously tested on hundreds of thousands of lines of VB.Net code.
Virtually every line of sample code Microsoft releases is tested, along
with many real world projects and sample code from third party vendors.

Comprehensive reporting is available every step of the conversion
process. Before conversion, your code is scanned and you are warned
about anything in your code which could be a problem. During conversion,
you are not left to guess what we did to your code. Anything of
interest done during the conversion is reported. After conversion, any
C# compiler errors is also reported. Flexible and comprehensive
reporting is very valuable when converting large projects. Many
customers have said this is one of our best features.

? First
class Visual Basic 2005 support. Other converters VB2005 support is
spotty and error prone. Generics, Operator Overloading, and the My
namespace are completely supported.

What's new in VB.Net to C# Converter 2.27:
? Improvements in conversion accuracy, especially in VS2008, VS2010, and Silverlight 3.0 and 4.0 projects.
Multi-processor support when converting multiple VB projects in a list.
The number of parallel processes can be changed dynamically at run
time. Conversion time on over 5500 test projects is now over four times
faster using multi-processor support.
? 30-40% speed improvement when converting single projects without multi-processor support.
Drag and drop is now supported between Windows Explorer and a project
list. Folders, VB project files, and solutions can be dropped onto a
project list, and the included VB projects will be added.



Mesaje : 1946
Data de inscriere : 18/04/2010
Varsta : 27
Localizare : Baia Mare

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